When packing for a flight, it’s crucial to consider what you’re putting into your checked luggage. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has stringent rules to ensure the safety and security of air travel. Here are 17 items that the TSA would rather you leave out of your checked bags or follow specific guidelines to ensure a smooth journey.

1. Lithium Batteries

Lithium batteries are notorious fire hazards. Spare batteries or power banks should be in your carry-on, not in checked luggage.

2. Electronic Devices

While allowed, it’s wise to carry electronics like laptops or tablets in your hand luggage to avoid damage or loss.

3. E-Cigarettes and Vaping Devices

These are a fire risk due to their batteries and must be in carry-on baggage only.

4. Lighters and Matches

Lighters with fuel and strike-anywhere matches are banned from checked bags for fire safety reasons.

5. Explosives

Fireworks, flares, or any other explosives are strictly prohibited in both checked and carry-on luggage.

6. Flammable Items

Paint, gasoline, lighter fluid, or other flammable substances are not allowed.

7. Firearms and Ammunition

While firearms can be transported in checked bags if declared and packed properly, the TSA has strict regulations on how they should be secured.

8. Self-Defense Items

Items like pepper spray or mace have restrictions and must usually be in checked luggage with safety mechanisms in place.

9. Sharp Objects

Large knives or sharp tools should be securely wrapped and checked in, although some may not be permitted at all.

10. Tools

Heavy tools that could be used as bludgeons need to be checked, but again, pack wisely and check the TSA guidelines.

11. Sporting Goods

Sports equipment that can be used as a bludgeon (like bats, clubs, or hockey sticks) should be checked in.

12. Large Quantities of Liquids

Restrictions apply mainly to carry-on bags, but leaking liquids in checked luggage can also cause issues, so it’s best to pack them securely or leave them at home.

13. Chemicals and Toxic Substances

Household chemicals, pesticides, or other toxic substances are a big no.

14. Alcoholic Beverages Over 140 Proof

While alcohol in moderation is allowed, anything over 140 proof is considered hazardous.

15. Gels or Aerosols

These are permitted in checked luggage in limited quantities but avoid packing large cans of hairspray or gel containers that could burst.

16. Pressurized Containers

CO2 cartridges, scuba tanks, or other pressurized vessels can pose a risk and are often restricted.

17. Perishables

Food items that can spoil, smell, or attract pests should be avoided or packed according to TSA guidelines.

Bonus Tip: The Importance of Locks

Use TSA-approved locks for your checked luggage. They keep your belongings secure while allowing the TSA to inspect the contents if necessary without damaging the lock or your bag.

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