• MP AL-SALEH ने बताया की 25000 प्रवासी कामगारों को सरकारी कार्य क्षेत्र से निकाला जाएगा
  • इन जगहों पर कुवैत के लोगों को नौकरी पर रखा जाएगा
  • अभी हाल के आँकड़ा के अनुसार मात्र अब 6000 कवैतियों को नौकरी देना का काम रह गया हैं

MP Al-Saleh revealed that the number of Kuwaitis waiting for the job in the office has decreased to 6000 only and they will be distributed to government agencies during the coming period, stressing that “there is a tendency to end the services of 25,000 expatriates in the government sector and replace Kuwaitis instead of them during the coming period.”

  • AL-SALEH ने यह बताया की रेप्लेस्मेंट पॉलिसी के अनुसार 3140 प्रवासी कामगारों को 2017 में हटाया गया था
  • इसी पॉलिसी के अनुसार 1500 कामगारों को 2018 में हटाया गया था
  • आने वाले दिनो में बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में 1500 कुवैती को नौकरी पर रखा जाएगा.
  • इसके साथ ही नर्सिंग, और अन्य क्षेत्र में भी नौकरियाँ कुवैती लोगों को दी जाएगी

In his statement to reporters, Al-Saleh affirmed that according to the replacement policy, 3,140 expatriates were terminated from their services in 2017 and 1500 expats in 2018, according to the representatives of the Diwan at the meeting that reviewed the parliamentary proposals presented and the majority of which are in the civil service laws related to employment in addition to employing Kuwaitis and the need to exclude them from the policy of replacement and promising to employ 1500 Kuwaitis in the banking sector in the coming days, Al-Saleh criticized the absence of a government strategy to employ Kuwaitis in the private sector, and the lack of encouragement for those wishing to study nursing, despite the need for this profession.


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