Devastating House Fire in Kushinagar District
In a horrifying incident, seven members of a family were burnt to death when a massive fire engulfed their home in Kushinagar district, Uttar Pradesh. The fire reportedly consumed the entire house, leaving no chance for escape for most of the family members.
Victims Include Four Minor Girls, Their Mother, and Grandparents
The victims of the tragic incident included four minor girls, their mother, and grandparents. The family lost their lives in the intense blaze that rapidly spread throughout their residence. Sadly, the woman and her four daughters were pronounced dead at the scene.
Eight-Year-Old Girl Rescued by Police
In the midst of this tragic event, there was a glimmer of hope as the eldest daughter, an eight-year-old girl, was successfully rescued by the local police. The young girl was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment and is reported to be in stable condition.
Investigation Underway to Determine Cause of Fire
Authorities are currently investigating the cause of the fire. Early indications suggest that it could be due to a short circuit or a gas leak, but officials are yet to confirm the actual cause. The local government has pledged to extend all possible support to the surviving family member and neighbors affected by this unfortunate event.